International Association for the Study of Maritime Mission joins with the NAMMA

October 10, 2018 – The North American Maritime Ministry Association is happy to announce that it has taken up administration of the International Association for the Study of Maritime Mission (IASMM).  The IASMM was the creation especially of leading maritime ministry researcher, Rev. Dr. Roald Kverndal, who passed away in 2015.  Though not a registered charity in its own right, the association researchers and practitioners in North America and elsewhere in the world reflect on the history of maritime ministry, but also current trends in chaplaincy and missiology. See

Rev. Clint Padgitt, retired chaplain of Seafarers’ International House in New York, and previous administrator of the IASMM website, said that “I welcome this new step that NAMMA make IASMM part of its work, assuming the Website ( and guaranteeing IASMM’s future in promoting work on the history of maritime mission. In the last few years those involved have played the role of caretakers, not having sufficient resources or contacts to do more. I think that Roald would be very pleased to have NAMMA make IASMM part of its overall mission.”

The IASMM had a number of wonderful meetings and publications early in its first decade, but their frequency diminished in recent years.  Yet, the IASMM website and many of those associated with it have continued to write and think about maritime ministry.

Rev. Dr. Paul Mooney, a frequent contributor to both the IASMM and NAMMA’s The MARE Report, stated, “I am very happy with the proposal from NAMMA regarding the future of IASMM.  In particular, I am happy to see the renewed focus both on historical aspects of maritime mission, but also contemporary issues of theology and missiology that pertain to ministry among seafarers.”

In the coming year,

-NAMMA will consolidate the current IASMM website content into its web portfolio, thus avoiding duplication of administration and hosting fees. See

-NAMMA Executive Director will oversee the curation of content for the revised website, but also seek opportunities to explore historical subjects at national and international conferences and venues.

-Space within NAMMA’s annual The MARE Report magazine will be prioritized for articles that complement the vision of IASMM.  In the past several years this has already been accomplished, but more intentional selection of material will be envisioned.

-NAMMA would set up a reinvigorated network of researchers on historical subjects.

Current NAMMA board present, Rev. Marsh L. Drege, remarks that “it is wonderful that NAMMA can carry forward the vision of Roald Kverndal and those involved in the IASMM.  A key value of NAMMA is collaboration: The vision of the IASMM complements naturally that of NAMMA, so it only makes sense to collaborate together.”


About IASMM:

The International Association for the Study of Maritime Mission studies the history and practice of the Church’s outreach to people who work in maritime professions. The founding members initiated IASMM in June 1990 with the following aims: To promote the preservation, cataloguing and publicizing of sources for research in maritime mission; to encourage maritime mission studies in places of learning; to provide a forum for debate and discussion by conferences and publications; and to stimulate and facilitate publications on maritime mission. In September 2018, the North American Maritime Ministry Association took up management of IASMM. Visit us at

About NAMMA:

Founded in 1932, NAMMA exists to support and encourage individuals and organizations in maritime ministry and seafarers’ welfare by providing opportunities for professional development, fellowship, and advocacy.  The work of all our member individuals and organizations in ports around North America is given without regard to language, rank, country of origin, or religion. NAMMA is a registered 501(c)3 charity in the United States. Visit us at



NAMMA members receive a print copy of The MARE Report, NAMMA’s annual magazines for seafarer’s welfare professionals