Jay Brooks on the Work of Sailor’s Snug Harbor
During the CMA Shipping Conference on March 22, 2023 in Stamford, CT, NAMMA sat down with Jay Brooks, Executive Director of Sailors' Snug Harbor, to get an understanding of their work.
Asylum and Refugee Status for Ukrainian Seafarers
by Phil Schifflin, Center for Mariner Advocacy Can I seek Asylum or Refugee status in the United States and what is the difference between the two? In order to seek Asylum or Refugee status in the United States you must fear persecution
Caring for I-Kiribati Seafarers in Distress – a Worldwide Ministry
by Kevin Walker and Susan Huppert, NAMMA Seafarers’ ministries all over the world have been deeply involved in caring and advocating for seafarers caught in the COVID-19 Crew Change Crisis, from which many touching stories have emerged in the last year.
Catholic Organizations Uncover Invisible Humanitarian Crisis
By International Catholic Migration Commission Catholic organizations are mobilizing to address an invisible humanitarian crisis affecting men and women who work at sea, while calling on U.S.-based giant retailer Walmart to do more for the wellbeing of seafarers. Have you ever stopped
Facilitate crew changes and support out-of-work seafarers: A renewed call to work together from welfare organisations
The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), and the International Christian Maritime Association (ICMA), with their respective memberships of concerned shipping companies and seafarers’ ministries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas, encourage governments and the maritime industry to continue to work together to
What can I do? Call someone who is alone : A lesson from seafarers’ ministries
That we all crave social contact has become painfully clear in the past weeks – we do not do well in self isolation, especially in quarantine. If there is any upside to the current crisis, it might be that we
Adapting Care due to Coronavirus
by Susan Huppert, NAMMA Adaptability is the marker for successful care among seafaring centers regarding the Coronavirus. Ship visiting is normally a primary contact for meeting seafarer’s needs. The opportunity for face-to-face contact is slimming quickly as fear of the spreading epidemic rises. Regardless
Coronavirus and those we serve
by Susan Huppert, NAMMA As seafarers travel the world so does the current pandemic. Yet in light of associated challenges with the Coronavirus the opportunity to care for those living and working on ships remains a high priority. Ministries are adapting their practices as
MLC: Mixed blessings for seafarers
by Carolyn Graham, PhD and Captain Kunal Narayan, MSc The International Labour Organization (ILO) is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2019, and with good reason. Like a storm-tossed ship, it has weathered many internal and external adversities, some so great that its