Book Review: The ILO Maritime Labor Convention, 2006 (MLC): Securing international social standards of seafarers’ working conditions
Review by Dr. Jason Zuidema, NAMMA Janna Vaudey, Das ILO-Seearbeitsübereinkommen, 2006 (MLC): Sicherung der internationalen Sozialstandards von Arbeitsbedingungen der Seeleute. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2022. This German-language book is a revised edition of a doctoral dissertation submitted in 2020 in the Faculty of Law
The Flight Home
Photo: Fidel Labrador with Susanne Hergoss, Felix Tolle, and Dr. Wolfgang Baumeier. Deutsches Seemannsheim Hamburg - Krayenkamp. by Susan Huppert, NAMMA Dotted around the globe are people drawn by compassion to care for those who work at sea. An interlocking of hands and hearts