Leading maritime charity calls on UK Government to roll-out mandatory port levy scheme for welfare in new report
Ground-breaking research in port welfare report reveals only 8% of ports have voluntary levy schemes in place Charities expect to spend £4.8million on port welfare in 2023 The MNWB has written to the Maritime Minister outlining reasons for a mandatory port levy
My Word Is My Bond: What Is a Charter Party?
By David Reid MA FNI The maritime world is like other commercial spaces. Most shopping centers or office buildings, for example, are built to be rented out to others, not to be used by the owners themselves. So, in shipping. Someone
ICMA Members Cooperate to Produce a Bible for Seafarers
by Andy Dakin, NMBS and Rev. Nicolaj Wibe, Indenlandsk Sømandsmission The Seafarer’s Tagalog-English Diglot New Testament and Psalms – The NMBS Story: Since my first experience of ICMA, at the 2018 Malmo conference, it has been my aim to ensure that NMBS supplies the
Book Review: Sailors’ Society, 200 Stories from the Sea, 1818-2018
Nick Churchill, Melanie Warman, Charis Gibson, and James Leslie. 200 Stories from the Sea, 1818-2018. Southampton: Sailors’ Society, 2018. This is a commemorative book with 200 short vignettes about the work of the Sailors’ Society on the occasion of its 200th